Self-Funding Solved

Providing transparency in employee benefits financing.

consultants sitting at conference table with laptops laughing consultants sitting at conference table with laptops laughing

The Value of VERIS

VERIS is an employer’s health benefits solution. Consultant-driven and designed for the long-term, VERIS allows groups to see exactly what they’re paying for each year – and retain anything they don’t use. VERIS is not a captive and is powered by Benecon’s independent consortium risk model, with no group unfairly subsidizing another. Once a group is part of VERIS they are guaranteed renewable with rate caps, no new lasers and no re-underwriting – ever.

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What if there was an option that mitigated the risk and offered a trusted, long-term self-funding solution?

A fully-insured arrangement may seem like an “easy” solution, but with the high fixed costs and lack of transparency, it doesn’t produce long-term savings. Stand-alone self-funding may seem like the “risky” solution, with too many variables to track and the unknown of trying to predict and manage claim costs. Self-funding through the VERIS Consortium is the answer.

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Group Purchasing Power

Each VERIS group maintains its own claim fund account and does not commingle risk, but benefits from Benecon’s stop loss purchasing power.

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Guaranteed Renewals

Once a group is part of VERIS, they can’t be kicked out of the program for a “bad” claims year.

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Rate Caps

Benecon’s independent actuaries set the rates and come to the most appropriate claim fund projections, not the carriers.

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No New Lasers

Once a group is part of VERIS, there is no re-underwriting; which means no lasers at renewal.

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A Better Way To Fund Your Health Plan

VERIS pulls the positive elements from each funding type while eliminating the risks.

Cost Containment Powered by ConnectCare3

Fully integrated cost containment benefits as part of your VERIS plan.

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More than three decades of program administration.

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Financial Leverage

With more than half a billion in stop loss premium, VERIS leverages Benecon’s group purchasing power in the stop loss market.

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Independent Actuaries

Our goal is to ensure rates are set fairly – we’re not chasing financial returns.

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100% access to de-identified data & total reporting of where every penny is spent.

The VERIS Difference

Explore how VERIS stands up against other funding methods.

VERIS Stand Alone Self-Funding Fully Insured Funding Captives
Guaranteed annual premium for the plan year
Lower administration costs
Only pay actual claims plus fixed expenses
Greater flexibility in plan design
Stop loss renewals based on actuarial projections, not loss ratio
Stop loss insurance premiums managed to a 78% overall loss ratio
No lasering at renewal or late discovery of submitted claims
Member manages all claim fund surplus
Enables employers the safest method to self-fund their benefit plans
two women sitting at a table outside looking at paperwork

Is VERIS Really that Different?

One VERIS group decided to leave their captive arrangement for the following reasons:

  • Stop loss premium was $267,868 less with VERIS
  • Max funding was $604,416 less with VERIS
  • The captive had a 125% funding corridor vs. VERIS’ corridor of 110%
  • Expected savings in VERIS of $489,056 vs. the captive
  • VERIS has no reserve requirement and no capitalization requirement

Want to Know More?

If you are a Broker, Consultant or Employer and you have questions or are ready to get going, we are here to help.