Consortium vs. Captive

While there may be some parallels, VERIS is a benefits consortium; not a captive. VERIS is a unique funding arrangement that really works.


Can a reduction in a renewal rate keep one group in their current captive?

  • 121 Enrolled located in the Southeastern US
  • Received a renewal projection of just less than 1% from the captive

Even with a renewal decrease, the group decided to leave the captive and join VERIS for 1/1/2022 because:

  • Stop loss premium was $247,868 less with VERIS
  • Max funding was $604,416 less with VERIS
  • Captive had a 125% funding corridor vs. VERIS corridor of 110%
  • Expected savings in VERIS of $489,056 vs. the captive
  • VERIS has no reserve requirement and no capitalization requirement

Additionally with VERIS:

  • Future renewals are capped
  • No new lasers
  • Groups can’t be terminated for poor claim performance
  • Consultants can choose their own cost containment solutions and are no longer beholden to the captive’s requirements

Consortium vs. Captive