Scott Radcliffe, EVP/Chief Business Development Officer, EHD, Lancaster, PA
We’ve been advocates of self-insurance for a long time. The Benecon Consortium model removes some of the “scariness” that can be associated with self-insurance. It has helped position us in the market as educational leaders for our clients. If I look back over the years, I can pick out 15-20 clients that we have just because of our access to the Consortium. One of our clients said it best, “With the Consortium, I finally feel like I’m on offense going into every year, not having to shop around”. As a Producer, this has created a huge amount of stability for our agency.
Travis Riker, Principal, Arista Consulting Group, Alpharetta, GA
The VERIS Benefits Consortium has been a game changer for our firm providing us a great competitive advantage. More importantly it has provided our clients a more efficient alternative funding strategy. We have really enjoyed the partnership with Benecon.
Bradly Graffius, CLU, RHU, President, Commonwealth Benefits Group, Dillsburg, PA
For us it’s totally redefined the renewal process. We’re not going to the market anymore; going to 10+ different carriers trying to chase the best price. The renewal process has become a lot smoother for our agency because of the transparency. Our clients can see exactly what they’re getting price-wise and why they’re getting it. For Consultants that have access to the Consortium, it’s a huge game changer. It’s like having access to another carrier that your competition may not have access.
Brian Tolbert, Principal, Bernard Health, Nashville, TN
Bernard Health discovered Benecon’s program in 2017, immediately earning the trust of a 200 life case. We’ve found it to be a great fit for the 50-250 employee space who’ve traditionally always been fully insured. Those employers’ typical objection to self-funding is cash-flow management and concern over lasers at renewal. The Benecon program meets these employers where they’re at, with a simple solution that doesn’t over complicate. Additionally, their compliance team does a very nice job engaging with our clients who, again, have little to no self-funded experience.
Mark Kunkle, President, Power Kunkle Benefits Consulting, Reading, PA
I’ve been working with Benecon since the late 1990’s and it’s been a great relationship. This Consortium model has been around since 1991. If someone is looking for a methodology that makes sense with transparency and no surprises – the Consortium is it. It really helps us change the conversation with our clients. We often hear “I can’t afford to be self-funded”. With the Consortium, you can’t afford “not to be self-funded”.